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Nincsenek események

Some notes

"She was a flowing physical presence, gesturing spaciously, recoiling, submitting, kneeling, projecting courage and love with her big mezzo, rich and resonant in the lower register." - OPERA

"..Just on her appearance as an oriental beauty she looked tempting, as if this role was written for her., with it came the finest art of singing: hauntingly erotic her middle-range and her well founded high notes were radiant." - Der Operfreund 

Andrea Szanto is stunning as the brazen, tempestuous gypsy temptress - The Sunday Herald

"The most beautiful shine in the evening was brought by Andrea Szanto with sparkling, radiant timbre in the brilliantly sung aria "Acerba voluttá" - Die Pfalz 

"The come-hitcher charm of her acting and the power of her singing cast a seductive spell" - The Scottish Daily Mail.

" "wonderful colored timbre, in the high register bright and wide; in the low, a warm and gold shining voice." - Mannheimer Morgen.